For the 2024-2025 school year our goal is to raise $22,000. That money will go towards:
Teacher appreciation
Pre/K field trip to Davis Farmland
Library books and supplies
Assisting with family needs like hygiene products, extra clothing, and gift cards
Community events like spree day, family prom, and bingo for books
Supporting after school programs
Welcoming Pre-K and K families, as well as new families that join throughout the year.
How you can help:
Download the Boxtops app and scan your receipts
Support one of our fundraisers!
Fall and Spring Book Fairs
Calendar Raffle in November
Penny Wars in February
Fundraising Report from 2023-2024
In the 2023-2024 school year the PTO raised $18,650.00 ($10,000 of that was the library fundraiser). In addition, La Familia and Chandler Magnet PTOs had a balance of $31,997.21 when the schools merged at the start of the school year. Here’s where money was spent this year (for most updated and accurate spending please see the Treasurer’s report from each PTO meeting)
Library (furniture, books and supplies): $9,515
PreK/K Field Trip: $2,712.30
Teacher Mini-Grants: $2,000
Spree Day & T-shirts: $6,012.77
Community Events $3,000:
Teacher Appreciation: $600
Operational Expenses: $
Fundraising Expenses: $333.85