The work we do to support our school relies on volunteers! Consider helping today!
Our PTO is completely volunteer-run so we rely on families and community to help us do the work we do. Opportunities include helping in the school library or assisting with events like family prom and spree day, among others. If you are intereted in volunteering please use the form below and we will be in touch!
Join a Committee
Would you like to help out with any of the many activities the PTO is able to provide for our students in school and out of school? Each of us has our own skill sets and passions. Committees work in different areas such as events, fundraising, hospitality and the library and commitment is about an hour or two a month. Please consider signing up to be a part of a committee for the 2024-2025 school year! Click the link for more detailed descriptions of the committees.
Attend a PTO Meeting
The PTO meets once a month to talk about the work that is happening. Come check it out to learn more about how the PTO supports WorcDL.